
Welcome to my little piece of the great big WWW. What you will find here are my philosophies, strategies, tactics, thoughts, ideas and discoveries about the world of online marketing, including resources I've found that help support my automated income streams. You'll also find some personal musings, including favorites on music, literature and culture as well as posts of which my daughter, Allison, is the focus. I Love Being A Dad!

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To Your Success,


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Kangen Water - Truth Revealed! Discover The Incredible Japanese Key To Health

Kangen is a Japanese word that means 'Return To Origin'. The term Kangen, when used to describe water, has several meanings. First, the word Kangen as used by the Japanese describes water that has been returned to the state in which it was normally found in nature before the Earth became polluted. Second, Kangen is used to refer to the way it helps your body return to it's 'new car' state before you put all those miles on it - and it helps both your skin and your vital organs.

Kangen is a registered trademark of Enagic Inc, of Japan where more research has been conducted on drinking water than anywhere else in the world. In Japan, Kangen has become a household word and is used to describe pure, healthy, alkaline drinking water rich in minerals, cleaned of impurities and ionized through electrolysis to impart active hydrogen which has an abundance of 'extra' electrons. It is these electrons that provide strong anti-oxidant properties to your drinking water. 1 in 5 Japanese homes has an Enagic alkalizing ionizing water machine.

So why is this important?

This revolutionary process turns your acidic, contaminated and chlorinated tap water into healthy alkaline water that can do wonders for your body. The reality of our society today is we consume an incredible amount of processed foods and beverages that are acidic and which our bodies are not designed to process as nature intended. The problem is this increased acidity in our systems interferes with many of our natural bodily functions.

Did you know that the average person has between 5-25 pounds of toxic fecal matter trapped within the folds of their intestinal system? Think about this the next time you feel like stopping for fast food or picking up a bunch of chips and snacks at the grocery store. How do you think this material got into our systems in the first place? And why does it get trapped inside?

Because this toxic matter is trapped inside of us, it does not exit the body and remains inside of us for years, contributing to a variety of conditions that may be caused by this increased level of toxicity in our systems. Our bodies were not designed to process all the countless artificial additives that are abundant in processed foods. The problems with this situation are numerous but from my own experience, the biggest issue I experienced was my inability to properly absorb and digest nutrients from foods.

Even when I switched to all natural and organic foods, my body was still not able to effectively absorb all of the vital nutrients from the foods I ate because my digestive system was not functioning at peak performance. Drinking Kangen Water changed all that for me in about 3 months. My daily consumption of Kangen Water (2-4 liters per day) flushed my digestive system enabling me to fully benefit from the nutrients in the food I consumed. And I experienced even more benefits - I lost weight, my eczema on my hands began to clear up (I am no longer embarrassed to shake hands with people), my stress levels were reduced, my heartburn is gone, I no longer suffer from indigestion and I experienced an elevated level of energy and general well being I had not felt in years.

For testimonials from other Kangen Water drinkers, visit

- Learn about Dr. Inge Wetsel's amazing story about the Epstein-Barr virus she discovered in her body and how Kangen Water helped alleviate her symptoms.

- Or hear from Richie Alcalde and his struggles with a staph infection (MRSA) for nearly 5 years and how Kangen Water helped him see results that years of treatments could not produce. See amazing pictures Before and After.

- You will hear from Carrie Diggs, a Type 1 diabetic, who was able to reduce her insulin intake by 68% since drinking Kangen Water.

- How about Aurora? Rheumatoid Arthritis sufferer, was bed bound, needed help to the bathroom. 3 ½ years on Kangen Water; no more disability.

These are just some of the countless testimonials about the wonders of Kangen Water.

The Japanese have long ago realized that keeping an optimal state of PH within our bodies is one of the keys to good health and subsequently, longer lives. Our body has a built in defense mechanism by which the PH of our blood is maintained at the optimal level. In fact, the body naturally acts to maintain this optimal state by pushing toxins away from vital organs to protect us. Where do the toxins go? In most healthy bodies these toxins are flushed out through our intestinal system and down the sewer. However, for many people whose digestive systems are not functioning at optimal level, the body pushes and stores these toxins within our fat reserves. You could say that fat is the life preserver of our body.

Yet is this the best situation for our bodies and our health? As countless research has shown, carrying around excess fat leads to increased weight gain, greater stresses on our joints and organs, depleted energy reserves and many, many more negative conditions from higher blood pressure to fatigue and stress.

So why Kangen Water? Why Enagic? While it's true you will find other ionizers available in the market, not all are created equal and in the spirit of ethical marketing, I will refrain from mentioning any of the other types of ionizers out there. Enagic is licensed by the Japanese Ministry of Health to manufacture medical devices and the Enagic machines are purpose built medical devices approved for home use.

In fact, up until about 10 years ago you could only get Kangen Water from a hospital or clinic and only by prescription from a doctor. That is how powerful Kangen Water is. The Enagic water machine parts are manufactured in a "clean room" environment at a state of the art robotic facility and are assembled by hand under the highest quality assurance standards. Each unit is assembled by a single technician and all parts are manufactured by the company, down to the medical grade hardware, the screws and the foam packaging. These units are not made in a third world country on an assembly line and you can tell the difference when you pick up and hold a machine in your arms.

If you are seriously ready to take charge of your health and would like to learn more about Enagic and Kangen Water, feel free to email me.

Change Your Water.....Change Your Life!

To Your Health!!
