
Welcome to my little piece of the great big WWW. What you will find here are my philosophies, strategies, tactics, thoughts, ideas and discoveries about the world of online marketing, including resources I've found that help support my automated income streams. You'll also find some personal musings, including favorites on music, literature and culture as well as posts of which my daughter, Allison, is the focus. I Love Being A Dad!

So take a look around, post a comment or send me an email and let me know what you think.

To Your Success,


Friday, September 26, 2008

Alkaline Foods for Health

Recently I started a new venture around alkaline foods focused on health and the impact of what we put in our mouths. This is the area I am passionate about and I enjoy learning about living a healthy life.

Visit Alkaline Foods Online for details and tell me what you think.


Friday, September 19, 2008

My Baptism to Internet Marketing - Traffic Exchange Hell

So, you want ideas to make money in the internet marketing business? Great! Before we get started, some housekeeping related to my Internet Marketing Wake Up Call introductory post here, specifically about my background.


Internet Marketing Wake Up Call

Well, it happened. Recently I was forcibly introduced to the realities of internet marketing and making money online in a way that had a profound effect on my perspective and vision on what it is exactly I am trying to accomplish here. Read more...