
Welcome to my little piece of the great big WWW. What you will find here are my philosophies, strategies, tactics, thoughts, ideas and discoveries about the world of online marketing, including resources I've found that help support my automated income streams. You'll also find some personal musings, including favorites on music, literature and culture as well as posts of which my daughter, Allison, is the focus. I Love Being A Dad!

So take a look around, post a comment or send me an email and let me know what you think.

To Your Success,


Monday, September 24, 2007

Loaded Who??

So I'm getting the question with greater frequency now that I have an online presence, albeit one that is in its infancy. You know the question. LoadedBeachBum?? What's that? Are you a bum? Are you really loaded? LoL.

Actually, the reasons are really quite simple and to begin, no I am not loaded - YET! But I'm on my way.

One: I would like to work hard to get to a place where I can be a 'beach bum' that is loaded; someone who has the freedom to choose what to do rather than having someone else make that choice. I got the idea from another site called loaded something or other.

Two: The leader of the Inner Circle is Ty Coughlin whose persona reflects his reality - that of a wealthy beach bum. A guy who makes 6 figures on a monthly basis all from home, living on the beach.

This is my dream and my goal and that's why I chose the moniker Loaded Beach Bum.

So I own and (not live yet).

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sugar Cookies For Breakfast

"Allison, what do you want for breakfast?"

"Sugar Cookies, Dad!!"

Aside from being the most WONDERFUL, AWESOME, INCREDIBLE, LOVING and KIND daughter in the world a dad could ever want, having Allison in my life gives me an added parental benefit of being able to indulge in guilt free breakfast choices from time to time.

We eat healthy on a regular basis but once in a while it's nice to not have to live by the rules of others. Being able to do what you want when you want to is a great feeling but as a family we work hard at understanding the differences between wants and needs and maintain that balance and perspective.

She gets everything she needs and some of what she wants. And that's really the point - I'm raising a daughter that understands that consumerism and instant gratification are not the paths to success in this world. It helps that she's in the best and most diverse independent school in Atlanta where she is receiving a balanced education from a school committed to diversity and community far beyond the traditional practice of inclusion; an environment that reinforces the principles our family lives by.

Being in the right system makes my roles easy (as a dad, as a business owner, as a wannabe helicopter pilot - something I'll touch on next time) which translates into a life with less stress.

Systems work, people fail - it really is that simple. If the system or formula you currently have isn't working, find another one but don't give up.

What I need to do now is eat and what I want to do is eat some home made sugar cookies for breakfast. And that's a formula I can live with.

Yum. Good call, Allison.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

So I stepped off the ledge...

...and I didn't fall off. Well, after spending the last 20 yrs working for someone else in corporate America, the last 8 with EarthLink, and having survived 4 layoffs during that time, I took what I learned in my offline sales and marketing career and decided to look at what the internet had to offer by way of income producing vehicles.

We've all heard the stories:

Guru spills secrets...
Make $100k in one month...
Earn Millions and Millions, blah, blah, blah...

So many grandiose claims, but who exactly is making all this money? Truth be told, it's the 'gurus' making the dough off of selling you a bunch of ebooks, CDs, courses, lectures, name it, they sell it. Most of it isn't about how they made money on the internet but about ways to make money on the internet, all of which consist primarily of the same rehashed and repackaged ideas and concepts - many of which are based on common sense but readily available online with a little effort and research.

But what if there was something completely different, something that was already in place, a turnkey system - no need to build websites, write articles, create banners or products to develop? Something that provided a product with REAL value? A system that created stupid money? A system that pays $1000 commission per sale?

Well, I found just that.

Never before had I invested any $$ or time in online business enterprises, primarily because of the amount of scams out there, but on 08/13/07, I discovered an awesome automated wealth building system so I took the plunge off that ledge and discovered an incredible community of online marketers.

With their guidance and mentoring, I've started making serious money online - earning $7900 in my first 30 days!! Incredibly, I did this without any selling, calling or speaking to anyone. The momentum of my online business is just beginning to increase and I forecast that I'll be earning $20k to $30k per month within the next 90 days. All of this with just my computer, my business systems and guidance from my mentor team.

Because of my success with this endeavor, yesterday (my 42nd Birthday) I made the decision to finally create my first blog with the goal of sharing what I've found with like minded individuals, people who want to get ahead, anyone looking for the 'real deal', all of you tired of throwing your hard earned money on programs that haven't worked - I can show you how to earn THOUSANDS weekly all on autopilot. Someone helped me by showing me how and I now show others how to do the same thing. "Paying It Forward".

Nothing happens until we decide something will happen. If you aren't completely satisfied with the last 5 years of your life, unless you make a change NOW, the next 5 years will be an exact carbon copy of the last 5 years. Do you really want that?

Let me help you.

Click Here.