
Welcome to my little piece of the great big WWW. What you will find here are my philosophies, strategies, tactics, thoughts, ideas and discoveries about the world of online marketing, including resources I've found that help support my automated income streams. You'll also find some personal musings, including favorites on music, literature and culture as well as posts of which my daughter, Allison, is the focus. I Love Being A Dad!

So take a look around, post a comment or send me an email and let me know what you think.

To Your Success,


Monday, September 24, 2007

Loaded Who??

So I'm getting the question with greater frequency now that I have an online presence, albeit one that is in its infancy. You know the question. LoadedBeachBum?? What's that? Are you a bum? Are you really loaded? LoL.

Actually, the reasons are really quite simple and to begin, no I am not loaded - YET! But I'm on my way.

One: I would like to work hard to get to a place where I can be a 'beach bum' that is loaded; someone who has the freedom to choose what to do rather than having someone else make that choice. I got the idea from another site called loaded something or other.

Two: The leader of the Inner Circle is Ty Coughlin whose persona reflects his reality - that of a wealthy beach bum. A guy who makes 6 figures on a monthly basis all from home, living on the beach.

This is my dream and my goal and that's why I chose the moniker Loaded Beach Bum.

So I own and (not live yet).

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