
Welcome to my little piece of the great big WWW. What you will find here are my philosophies, strategies, tactics, thoughts, ideas and discoveries about the world of online marketing, including resources I've found that help support my automated income streams. You'll also find some personal musings, including favorites on music, literature and culture as well as posts of which my daughter, Allison, is the focus. I Love Being A Dad!

So take a look around, post a comment or send me an email and let me know what you think.

To Your Success,


Friday, March 21, 2008

Stop The Insanity - How To Find A Viable Online Marketing Business (Part 2)

In Part I provided an overview of the current online marketing landscape as well as some of the criteria I use to choose which businesses to join.

Keep in mind I only have a handful of businesses so I am describing here my own unique experiences and the steps I take to evaluate a business but I have found the average unsuccessful online marketer today has usually tried between 10-15 different small online businesses within 12-18 months in their search for the right one (core businesses, affiliate relationships, referral programs, etc...). In Part 2 of this article, I cover more specific questions you should ask when evaluating any business but particularly when considering an online marketing business.


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